Expired Leads

Prospect with the addresses and phone numbers (cells included) to convert expired leads into listings.

Expired Leads

Prospect with the addresses and phone numbers (cells included) to convert expired leads into listings.

Industry Leading Connection Rate

Expired Filters (location, pricing, date of expiry)

Access to Old Expired Listings

Numbers Cross Checked Against DNC

Mobile Numbers / VOIP

Listing Information from your MLS

Premium Data Layer

Email Addresses

Market Trend Data 

NEW! Home Owner Financial Insights

NEW! Home & Building Specifications

NEW! Lifestyle Insights


$69.99  /month

Most Popular

Expired PLUS

$129.99 /month

WordPress Pricing Table

Convert More Listings

When a listing expires and goes unsold, homeowners start shopping for a new agent. Be that agent by utilizing the most accurate contact information for each expired listing in your MLS.

How Prospecting Expireds Works

We Find the Phone Numbers

Expand your reach with both new and old expired listings. Pick up the phone with confidence with numbers that have been scrubbed against relisted homes and the DNC list.

You Call the Leads

Prospect on the platform with the highest contact rate. Don’t waste time with bad data. Spend your time talking to the most qualified homeowners each time you prospect.

Part Time Agent Finally Quits Job — Now Makes $250,000 Prospecting Expired Leads

How Len Nevin transitioned from a full-time engineer to running an office of over 200 real estate agents. After discovering a skill in relisting properties, he’s now building a new team and teaching them to control their career with REDX.

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